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Empty Bar

A complete picture of your business

Trayz was built to provide you with a complete picture of your business in order to become more efficient and save - while maintaining internal information and maintaining complete anonymity.

My number one goal is to think about the concept, then create mockups, and finally, test with users. It’s clear to me that we have to tailor the product to the needs of the user and therefore there’s always a joint effort with the product team and the engineers on improving the UI and UX.
We created the branding and graphic language together with 2 other designers and worked with an external addition, we worked with an external company that helped with marketing and other graphic products.


Team management

UX/UI Design

Design system


Usability Testing











Lucid chart







Meet the users

As part of the product development, I had a chance of meeting with actual users across the globe.

In this case, it was the US and Canada. 

We received amazing feedback and this allowed us to produce 3 key personas based on the data we collected.


In addition, it helped us understand what is more important to our users and what they are doing in their daily lives, what are they missing? Finding out this information could help us improve their profitability.

By conducting the research, we can improve the business of our clients and our product. 

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Test & Learn

Due to the fact that we’re on the other side of the ocean when it comes to proximity to our users, we decided to use Trymyui as a tool that allows us to test mockups. With the help of the tool, we were able to choose the right users that fit our persona and create an interactive test. That helped us understand and improve the UX even before it was handed to development. 


Together we created brainstorming processes and complemented each other and by doing that, we were able to crack a lot of problems and barriers and create a product that is convenient, useful, valuable, and tailored to the user.

Insights engine - The heart of the system

The Insights tool - which connects all the business data - prices, menu comparisons, sales, and even employee performance - for the benefit of real-time conclusions, insights, and alerts - Tailored recommendations to be sent per POC, so that if you execute you will see revenue uplift.


When designing the insights tool, our main KPI was saving time for the business owners and providing insight that they didn’t have before. We know that bar and restaurant managers are very busy folks so we wanted to create something that will provide the information they need in an easy-to-digest display that will end up saving them valuable time.


Track a change in revenue for the target bar or BLU

Understand the cause and reason for the change

Compare BLU behavior and find the difference

Offering a potential reason or a root cause

Call to action

During the tests, users did discover that the insights are not prominent enough and are not in a suitable strategic place in light of the fact that this tool is designed to help, streamline them and improve their place.

With the latest release, we improved the placement and behavior of the insights so that it becomes a lot more useful and valuable. We were also able to improve the usability of this tool and provide a smarter, and more accurate solution.








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BLU & banchmark

In order to build trust and transparency in the system and for our users, we added the ability to see a benchmark compared to similar restaurants and bars in the area of the user so the manager of the restaurant or bar can attribute the growth to a whole trend in the area or if it’s specific to that location. 


In order to make the platform more accessible and to help onboard users, we created the initial profile for our users so they get a level of understanding of their business and the benchmark.

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Beer Flight
Beer Flight

IoT & DIY app

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